(api cet su-duracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak sadhur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah) Some people think that Guruji encourages people who are not so good. Some think that I encourage hopless and bad people. I tell you, dont worry about my work. I know my work: when to catch hold of which person. Instead of minding your own mind, you are looking at other people. In spite of the bad history/past, when a person joins the master that person is considered a sadhu (good person).Why? Because having come in contact with knowledge and devotion, such a person (a devotee) will improve very soon. Durachari (person who does bad deeds) does not have inner peace. The devotee gets inner peace and then they do not behave badly. Person who is at peace can not do any wrong deeds.
Excerpts from International Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore (India) Satsang (30th May 2011)
Posted on: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
(api cet su-duracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak sadhur eva sa mantavyah samyag vyavasito hi sah) Some people think that Guruji encourages people who are not so good. Some think that I encourage hopless and bad people. I tell you, dont worry about my work. I know my work: when to catch hold of which person. Instead of minding your own mind, you are looking at other people. In spite of the bad history/past, when a person joins the master that person is considered a sadhu (good person).Why? Because having come in contact with knowledge and devotion, such a person (a devotee) will improve very soon. Durachari (person who does bad deeds) does not have inner peace. The devotee gets inner peace and then they do not behave badly. Person who is at peace can not do any wrong deeds.
Posted on: Monday, May 30, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
Excerpts from International Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore (India) Satsang (29th May 2011)
Sri Sri: I wonder about that too.
Sri Sri: After a certain level people say that they want something new. So if you want to repeat the same program you can repeat it, we don't even charge people for repeating the program.
Sri Sri: What is it that you want? Everything you are getting right. No one goes empty handed from here.
Sri Sri: Ok. It is not necessary to do a lot of pooja.
Sri Sri: How did you create two categories?
Sri Sri: Definitely. Yes.
Sri Sri: I use gyaan to wash the mind. My work is like that of a dry cleaner. So many minds are cleaned every day.
Sri Sri: I have already come to Solapur 5 times.
Sri Sri: Why do you want to control anger? You need to control it only if you hold on to it.
Sri Sri: There are two types of knowledge: apara and para. Spiritual klnowledge is above all others - apara and it can change a lot of things for you. Para knowledge has its own place. It is good to do some rituals. Do some chanting, meditation.
Sri Sri: Yes. See one in all and see all in one.
Sri Sri: Yes
Sri Sri: That which helps to gets into meditation is kundalini.
Sri Sri: Continue with your kriya.
Posted on: Sunday, May 29, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
Bangalore. May 28. 2011
Social activist Anna Hazare along with Arvind Kejriwal and Swami Agnivesh, today, called upon Art of Living Founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Center. Thanking the spiritual leader and thousands of volunteers for their immense support and guidance, Anna Hazare said, "Every single person should encourage others to join the movement and work for a corruption-free India. To lead the fight against corruption it is important to abide by five things – good values, a clean background, love, courage to face insults and sacrifice. "
Speaking on the occasion, Sri Sri said, "We need to change the mindsets. Corruption begins where belongingness ends. What belongs to you will come your way, so make an honest living. This revolution to get rid of corruption should be brought to the country." Expressing his gratitude to Sri Sri, Arvind Kejriwal shared, "We didn't know this fight would become so big. I thank The Art of Living and Sri Sri who guided us on every step."
Read more at: http://www.artofliving.org/sri-sri-anna-call-upon-nation-fight-corruption
Posted on: Saturday, May 28, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
Q: Can you read books of other spiritual masters, if we are following a path?
Sri Sri: If you know that you were created by God, that is sufficient. God is created by devotees. if there are no devotees, then how can God exist.
Posted on: Friday, May 27, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
We would like to share that Anna Hazare is arriving at the Bangalore ashram to meet Guruji on 28th May at 7pm IST
He will be addressing thousands of people along with Guruji on the subject of India against corruption.
Please be present to listen to both Gurudev and Anna voice their opinion on the subject.
All are invited to attend this function at the Bangalore Ashram
All those who cannot come, can still watch the live webcast on www.artofliving.org/satsang And youtube.com/artoflivingtv
Jai Gurudev!
Excerpts from International Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore (India) Satsang (26th May 2011)
Sri Sri: When you take a dip in Ganga, the first time it is cold. Later your body gets used to it. You don't need to worry about it. Gratefulness comes in waves.
Sri Sri: It is said in Vishnu Sahasranam that everything has come in So Hum. Every mantra has an effect, but the important thing is meditation. Important thing is to go beyond the mantra.
Sri Sri: Mantras came first. Sanskrit came later. If you go deep into any language you feel and find the sound there too.
Sri Sri; Mantra is name and yantra is form.
Sri Sri: This is a good homework. Tomorrow let's put a sheet here and whatever you feel like right that. People on the net, can send on e-mail what are the qualities of an ideal devotee.
Sri Sri: It is meditation, to know that you are being taken care of and recognise the divinity.
Sri Sri: You can use it as a rough book or don't print too many of it.
Excerpt source: http://www.artofliving.org/sites/all/themes/aolglobal/webcast-with-sri-sri-ravi-shankar.html
Posted on: Thursday, May 26, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe
BANGALORE: Young leaders from eight SAARC countries sat in a classroom practising pranayama and meditation. Taking them to a 16-minute destressing session was spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravishankar.
The venue was Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B) where Sri Sri attended the South Asian Peace Conference conducted by the Blue Ribbon Movement.
When the spiritual guru spoke about peace within, the enthusiastic youngsters tried out destressing methods. Sri Sri took them through the basic steps of breathing exercises and meditation.
When the session was over, it was time for a question-and-answer session with Sri Sri. The posers ranged from his belief in God, to maya and chanting. Excerpts from the session:
You have a programme called the Art of Living. What's meant by this?
We do everything for life, but fail to appreciate life. This art is appreciation of the gift that is called life.
Is it true that the lines of your hand determine one's life?
There's some road map, but it's not 100% rigid; it's felxible. Don't worry about the lines on your palm, they will keep changing.
Why is it difficult for us to accept religious differences?
If you have travelled around, you'll realize that India is a real example of communal harmony. Except for a few stray incidents, which are insignificant, it's more or less peaceful.
Is peace possible without God?
Without a belief system, peace is possible. That is what even the Buddha preached. We have to be more open, we have to take good things from everybody.
Do you believe in God?
What do you mean by God? If you say God is love, then I believe in it. If you say God is energy, then I believe in it.
What do you expect from the youth of today?
I want you to take charge of the world. I want you to get into politics, cleanse and spiritualize it, socialize business and secularize religion. Only then will the world be a better place to live in.
Why is there a conflict in the South Asian region?
I have the same question. If every country in this region gets together, the economy will boom. We have the largest number of young people. Instead of eradicating differences, we need to bind them and leverage the strength.
Read the article on THE TIMES OF INDIA.