Receive Free Hindi SMS of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji's Quotes in India

Posted on: Monday, September 26, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Jai guru dev Dear ones,
Now you can Receive Free Hindi SMS of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji's Quotes (Applicable for the moment only in India)

Note: Guru Updates! Section is taking a nine day's rejuvenation break during Navratri from tomorrow till 6th Oct. Stay tuned! the section will be back with a new and refreshing look from 7th Oct.

"As we take nine months in our mother's womb, before we are born, we take these nine days to go back to our source. These nine days are to be spent in meditation, satsangs, silence and knowledge." - Sri Sri

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Calling for World Peace, Making the World a Better Place ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Posted on: Thursday, September 22, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

The year 2011 has seen an unprecedented number of social revolutions, military conflicts and natural calamities. These along with the economic slowdown make the world's challenges appear more complex than ever. However, we are also more interconnected today than at any point in history. The ongoing European-debt crisis demonstrates the impact that one country's economy can have on the world as a whole. Issues like climate change, increasing food scarcity and shortages of water, among others, require a collective response -- we need the whole world to tackle these problems together.
In order to address these challenging issues, one needs to have broad vision and a calm mind. To achieve harmony, one needs to be able to deal effectively with conflict -- both within and outside. 

Significance and Essence of Navaratri by Sri Sri

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

Below are the videos on Significance and Essence of Navaratri by Sri Sri

The Navaratri Celebrations (Pujas, Homas, Satsangs)  in presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will start in just 2 days - 27 September 2011!

If you are not able to make it to Art of Living International center in Bangalore, you still can be part of it!!

Register and watch the live webcasts from your home! You can choose Live or On-Demand Webcast package for 10 days

Please share this information with others.
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The Giordano Bruno Globalshfit University Launch

Cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, Budapest once again saw the launch of a new era. H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living Foundation and honorary member of the club of Budapest inaugurated, together with many other international dignitaries, the launch of the Giodrano Bruno Globalshift University on the 9th of September 2011, which its Chancellor Prof. Ervin László.

Watch Sri Sri's speech here:

Live webcast today at 11 AM IST: My India My Vision in presence of Guruji!!

Jai guru dev all,

Watch the live webcast of My India My Vision, a program organised by India against Corruption in presence of Sri Sri at 11am IST

Sri Sri @ International World Peace Day

Posted on: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

It is only through education that we can create an atmosphere where people are free of hatred and can come together with understanding, compassion and love. I envision a world without violence and stress, and we are making our effort in creating a peaceful and stress free world. I urge more people to step forward and take an active role in bringing peace to every nook and corner of the world. Unless every member of the global family is peaceful, our peace is incomplete.

Traffic cops get busy ahead of Sri Sri visit

PANAJI: To avoid a possible traffic chaos on September 21, when founder of the Art of Living Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is expected to hold a meditation programme 'Anandatsav' at Miramar beach at 6.30pm, the Panaji traffic police are in the process of making traffic arrangements.

New books by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Posted on: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

In this book, His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar highlights simple points for parents and teachers, on raising children. These subtle cues go a long way in laying the foundation for children to grow into fine human beings - happy yet responsible, focused but with a large perspective on life, having a strong character with the softness of human values.

Just as the mist disappears by the rays of the Sun, ignorance vanishes by the rays of wisdom. I am the fountain of joy only when my mind is still. In this book His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji enlightens us on the complexities of mind and simple, effective and practical ways to go beyond it to 'be' our true nature of true blissful consciousness.

"This present moment has a mind of its own. The existence has a mind of its own. It is running this entire show. Now and then if you get reminded of this fact, you are at such peace, you get freedom from your cravings and all that you long for. When there is trust in the divinity, trust in the laws of the universe then you don't have to worry about anything. Everything will happen spontaneously." - His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri inaugurates school in Shimoga

Posted on: Sunday, September 18, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe


Sri Sri inaugurates the Sri Sri Vidya Mandir School in Shimoga on September 18, 2011.

30 years of Sudarshan Kriya

BANGALORE: Founded 30 years ago to create a stress-free and non-violent world, the Art of Living gave breathing a new dimension. On September 17, 1981, the Sudarshan Kriya was revealed to AOL founder Sri Sri Ravishankar on the banks of the Bhadra river in Shimoga district. On Saturday, 30 years later, Sri Sri goes back in time and tells STOI about this health-promoting breathing technique. 

Upcoming Live Webcast of Mahasatsangs and Satsang with Guruji!!

Posted on: Saturday, September 17, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

Many Mahasatsangs and Satsangs with Sri Sri are scheduled this month

The details of the same are on

We will be webcasting all of them, but there is a possibilty that at few places the webcast would be not be possible as some of the venues are places where internet is not of required speed for webcast, but we will try our best to do it

Stay tuned, watch out for the upcoming live webcast schedule day and time

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Jammu

Posted on: Thursday, September 15, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

'Agyaan ko mitana, abhaav ko door karna, anyay ke khilaaf ladna aur ashuddhi ko door karna: Yeh hamara dharma hai."

JAMMU:  Hіѕ Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, renowned spiritual Guru аnԁ founder οf thе Art οf Living Foundation, arrived іn Jammu οn Wednesday οn a two-day visit tο thе City οf Temples. Sri Sri wаѕ іn Jammu іn connection wіth a meeting organised bу thе Shri Amarnath Shrine Board.

Anandha Sangamam with Guruji at Tuticorin

Posted on: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar will be visiting the coastal town of Tuiticorin, Tamil Nadu on the 23rd of September for an evening of music and wisdom.

Mahasatsang "Ananda Sangamam" at VOC College Grounds, Tuiticorin. You are invited !

Upcoming Mahsatsangs with Guruji...join in the celebrations!!!

Posted on: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Dear Ones,

Many Mahsatsangs at (Shimoga, Kollur, Goa.....) are scheduled in this month with Guruji, you all can join in the celebrations!!!

Check out the schedule of the same on

now you can subscribe and stay updated with Sri Sri's schedule via the link below

Soon we will also have Navaratri Celebrations in Bangalore Ashram, you can plan and come in for that also, all these details are  there on link above 

Jai guru dev :)

Gift Knowledge to yourself and your loved ones :)

Posted on: Sunday, September 11, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Gift Knowledge to yourself and your loved ones - Subscriptions to Sri Sri's knowledge topics!

Simply send a blank email to subscribe@artoflivinguniverse.
org to get subscription links!

Forward this mail to all your friends!!! Jai Gurudev!

PS: If you are unable to view the above poster, please view it online here:

Remembering 9/11: A Decade Later ~ Sri Sri

Posted on: Saturday, September 10, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Though there had been acts of terrorism before 9/11, this event compelled the world community to act. Let us look at what it brought. 9/11 brought an expenditure of billions of dollars on security. It brought two wars which snowballed into a massive economic crisis for America. It brought stringent measures such as making people remove shoes before boarding flights, a ban on carrying liquids while flying and random profiling of people. After having gone through ten years of all this, we must take stock of how effective the war on terror has been. Of course, these measures have had an impact on enhancing safety. However, we have to introspect and ask -- are they enough to eliminate terrorism? An emphatic no!

A Shift in Education

What is the root cause of terrorism? It is religious indoctrination, perpetuating hatred towards other cultures in the name of God, pursuing a violent agenda and justifying it.

Read more:

Update on Sri Sri's today visit to Hungary

Posted on: Friday, September 9, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Sri Sri at the inauguration of the Giordano Bruno Globalshift University in Budapest, Hungary (9 September 2011): "Education means intellectual sharpening, retaining of innocence and spiritual upliftment."


Sri Sri on the Delhi High Court Attack

Posted on: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

"It is a well-planned attack on our judiciary which has systematically brought the guilty to book. No one should support the perpetrators of such crimes. The whole nation sympathizes with the families of those bereaved and hurt."

Excerpts of 4th September 2011 satsang from International Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore (India)

Posted on: Monday, September 5, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Sri Sri: are you all?
So.. what shall we talk about today?
Don't you all feel happy/pleasant when you come here? This is what is called as significance of place. There is a story about the significance of places (Vikramaditya's Royal seat/throne story). Have your heard about it?? There was a garden which had a mound. The caretaker of the garden used to sit on the mound and call everybody "Come here, there are lot of fruits and all this for you only" and when he used to get down from the mound by when people reach there, he used to shoo them away. This was his regular habit. People thought the caretaker was mad. They went to a saint about this matter as they became curious about his behavior. Saint said that beyond every action, there is a secret as the caretaker just while sitting on the mound used to talk sweetly. Thinking that there must be something under the mound, they got it dugged up. When they dug it out they found Vikramaditya's throne. So the throne and the Dharma of it used to impact the Garden caretaker when he was sitting on it. Each place has its own significance and strength.
Similarly you can see the person as person or see person as Guru. Book is a book but when the same book is gita or some scripture, it has its own value. In a temple there are lots of sculptures but no one really worships them. Sculpture gets value when it is placed in sanctum sanctorium. If you go to vishnu temples, the sculptures meant to guard the temple also looks like Vishnu, but no one really worships them.

Sri Sri: If our mind has to be pleasant we must keep one sutra in mind:
I dont want anything from anybody. Wanting something from somebody doesn’t let u to be free. There wont be any freedom in life. What all I want will come to me. If I can be of use to others, I will be contented, if this feeling comes in us, then there wont be any lack in life. All our work will be finished effortlessly. This is a secret sutra and I have told you it today.
Have the faith that whatever I need will be taken care of

Sri Sri: There are some traditions in India to keep the hygiene. Like we dont want to have saliva of others spreading any germs. So the vessels under utilisation by someone are not exchanged (Jhoota bhartan and Jhoota Khana). That is why we dont shake hands in India, who knows what germs are there on others hand. You can't say your hands are dirty and I dont want to shake hands with you. Leave all, even if someone has simple common cold and if you hug them or shake hands, you will also get it. So our tradition of just doing namaste is good :)

Q: How can I deal with cunning people?
Sri Sri: Once you brand someone as cunning, then you have cut your communication with them to a greater extent. From you side, keep your communication open. If they are cunning, you be careful.

Just keep smiling but continue your work with those who opposes your action. We shouldn’t cry or be sad about such people. But be friendly with them. After a while they will think that you are listening in all things except this, its OK, let them think like that. No problem.

Q: Doing once is OK but Why do we have ceremony for departed souls every year?
Sri Sri: Our one year is one day for those in Pitru loka. Like how we take atleast once a day food, we remember our parents who are departed and feed the food (that our parents liked) to others to bring contentment for the departed soul. Needn't have to be done forever. In olden days after the soul takes rebirth, our ancestors used to stop this but since now a days, we dont know whether the soul took rebirth or not. So in their memory, we feed few people. Anyhow we will be cooking for ourselves, so we just feed little of the same food to others as well. I dont think its a big work to do. Neither I would say this tradition as foolishness or nor its compulsory.

Q: Why is silk considered sacred. Specially when extracting method of silk is so inhuman (boiling cocoons)
Sri Sri: These are all customs. In none of the scriptures its mentioned that silk is superior than cotton. There is nothing like that. Its just belief. In reality nothing is purer than spirit/self and love.

Q: It is said that people can see for some time after death. So is it fine to donate eyes?
Sri Sri: Sure, go ahead. There is no problem in donating organs.

Q: How can I increase creativity?
Sri Sri: Pranayam and meditation everyday.

Q: How to deal with obsessions?
Sri Sri: Adavance course. It helps you a lot.

Q: Is it possible to meditate with open eyes?
Sri Sri: People say that focuss on the point, go on thinking and meditate. All these are there. See the mind has to get dissolved and with open eyes some thoughts keep wandering in mind. Seeing it for a while, tires the eyes and then if one can meditate, its ok. We have to make the mind come inward, with open eyes, mind tends to move outward. After making this world, even Shiva has closed his eyes. See the statues of Buddha and all, you can see them sitting with closed eyes.

Sri Sri: Humans take birth as human beings only. But there are chances that human can take birth as animal also.
There are 1000 of traditions. Don’t listen, read to 100s of things, with it the mind gets disturbed and confused. Some will say why do you do so hum, do dasohum, some will say why do you do dasohum, do sada sohum. There are so many traditions and methods. Everything has some good in it and of course we have to ignore something as well.

Q: In our town, there is a person who has lost his hands. How do we get him to do the kriya
Sri Sri: He can do the Pranayama and kriya. There is no need of the hands for doing pranayama. Of course the breath/prana goes through the nostrils.
Q: Guruji, if you have forgiven a person who has hurt you in the past and the person comes again in the present to hurt you, what should one do. I want to be away from hurt and also want the other person to be at peace, how to I achieve it?
Sri Sri: Time will heal. If you feel hurt by someone, dont go on poking it again and again. Take some time and take some distance. You are busy in your life. That person is busy in their life. Explanations/Talking is all nonsense coz it still stirrs. Go deep in knowledge. Nothing is better than knowledge to heal.

Q: In our house, we are facing obstacles one after the other
Sri Sri: Chant Om Namaha Shivaya. play and listen to some bhajans in morning at home and have the faith that the divine is with you. We have cleared so many obstacles in life. This will be cleared too

Sri Sri: See, even when you are breathing, there are so many bacterias that die, you own system destroys many bacterias. So this is part of the nature. So while walking if an ant dies, dont feel guilty about it. Intentionally with anger with emotional rage, don’t destroy anything as it forms Karma. Un intentionally, unknowingly If your just being is obstructing things in nature, you are not responsible for it.

Q: We are trying to open a blood bank from 12 years but we are not able to do it successfully
Sri Sri: It will be successful. Dont worry. The biggest problem at the present moment is corruption. Make groups among yourselves to fight corruption. I was talking to a parliamentarian. They passed 17 bills in 12 minutes. I was surprised at this.. how can they pass bills so quickly? They didn't pass the anti corruption bill even after taking 42 years.

Q: Guruji, I feel that silence really kills after a fight/argument at home.
Sri Sri: Have you done the Advance course? Do that. You will really enjoy silence.

Q: Can initiation of Love happen without attraction? If yes, how to differentiate it is love or attraction?
Sri Sri: Attraction is temporary. Love is long lasting.

Q: I feel confident during Satsang and Sadhana. After coming out of Satsang, I feel very afraid again.
Sri Sri: Isn’t all your work getting done? Continue your Sadhana and Satsang. Sadhana, the path is there to remove your fear. Don't worry everything will happen.

Q: When can one think that life is complete?
Sri Sri: You don't have to think. You feel it. Right?
When do you feel that your stomach is full? when it is full, you feel it is full. Certain things become so obvious. When you say I want nothing from anyone, then you are complete.
When you relax voice that comes is the inner voice.

Q: What do you mean by surrender?
Sri Sri: Forget about the word surrender it is so complicated. Its used and misused so many times. Forget about this word, we don't need to do it at all. Just know that everything anyway belongs to the Divine. You also belong to the Divine. If at all if you feel like surrendering, Surrender your fear, worries and anxiety to the Divine. Don't surrender anything that is good.

Q: I want to fight corruption but I am forced to pay 50000 as bribe to save 3 lakh rupees
Sri Sri: Fight as a group. If you fight alone, its difficult. Say that I am Guruji's devotee, I am not going to pay bribe. If I pay, I cannot face Guruji. If you do this way, they will do your work with full respect. It has happened.
In Andhra Pradesh, there was a factory that needed to be opened but there were a few officials who asked for bribe. Our volunteers said that we will come here any number of times but will not pay bribe. We are Guruji's devotees. We have promised him that we wont pay bribe, so kindly get our work done. They told all this in friendly manner. You know, then with full respect the bribe demanding officials completed their work.

Q: Which God is best: Vishnu, Shiva, or Bramha? Is everything one.
Sri Sri: See one in all and see all in one.

Q: Whether it is person or materialistic thing, what we desire, is acquiring it wrong or right?
Sri Sri: Time will tell you.

Q: How to increase will power
Sri Sri: Through greed, love, or fear. If you promise to someone very dear to you. Fourth really good thing is Pranayam.

Q: I become free from tensions when I come to Ashram.
Sri Sri: That is so. That is what I said earlier today.

Q: If a person near to you starts knowing everything about you and tries to harm you. What should we do. Forget, forgive or both? If I take any step against such person, will it add to my karma
Sri Sri: Both (forgive and forget). No, no dont worry (as any answer to getting actions against such person added to karma)

Allopathic doctors can also learn nadi pariksha.

Q: When someone very dear is sick, then we are afraid. Here in this country, there are so many suggestions. People say you have to go to this God and all, we are in one such frightening situation in our family. What suggestion do you offer?
Sri Sri: Definitely Prayer has its own benefits. Mantra chanting also.
Chanting Maha mrityunjaya is also powerful. Its an old and ancient practice and its really beneficial

Sri Sri: On 25th September, we can have a big satsang/Mahasatsang here. You are invited to bring your friends and family. You can stay for a while. Lets spend some nice time together.

These LIVE satsang excerpts are unedited. Complete edited satsang knowledge and Q&A will be published soon on
The recorded satsang video is available on

For details on the forthcoming LIVE satsang webcast, please visit

Sri Sri inaugurating Indian Conference on Ambulatory Surgery

Posted on: Sunday, September 4, 2011 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Sri Sri Ravishankar and Dr Santosh Hegde, Chief of Lokayukta, Karnataka inaugurated the first Indian Conference on Ambulatory Surgery held on September 2rd & 3rd at the Taj Vivanta in Bangalore.

Organised by NOVA and supported by Indian Society of Ambulatory Surgery this conference aimed at highlighting the advantages of the ambulatory concept that enables health workers to meet large surgery demands in short stay settings.

Source :

Excerpts of 3rd September 2011 satsang from International Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore (India)

Q: Guruji, your consciousness is pure and infectious, how can I share this with others?
Sri Sri: This question, I will it to you. You find this. Use all your talents to share.

Q: How does devotion free us from Karma?
Sri Sri: Karma means impressions. In devotion, love and service many of those impressions are replaced by something more positive.

Q: What are those gaps between the thoughts and what happens at that time?
Sri Sri: Thats the whole secret. Dwell into it. Observe. When you take a stand, I want to watch my thoughts, and when you start to watch, you see that they disappear. You get access to the source of the thought.

Q: Can you meditate for someone else? Will they benefit
Sri Sri: Can you eat for someone else? Yes, Indirectly when you meditate, you feel peaceful and you feel calm. That vibrations go to others. But not quite the same when that person also meditates.

Q: Guruji, Some years ago, my elder sister accidentally expired, no one was near to her when she died. After this event, she appears to me in front of my eyes. Is it a illusion or is she trying to tell me something? And for the peace of that soul, what can I do here?
Sri Sri: If she appears/if you see her, tell her, become free. If any of you see Pret/pithru, with a bhaav (feeling) say become free. And you do sadhana, seva and satsang, its impact will always be good only.

Q: Thousand salutes to feet of holy Gurudev. Guruji, I haven't seen the God. But I feel if somewhere there is God, he will be like you. Just out of curiosity I want to ask, Have you attained fullness?
Sri Sri: What do you feel? Do you see some lack? Am I searching someone? If you go and ask a sleeping person, are you sleeping? what shall he/she tell. The person will keep quiet. Somethings we have to ask and know from our soul. If our soul is saying there is fullness here. Then asking are you complete is of no use. If someone tells that he/she is complete and your innersoul says no, then you have to listen to your inner soul. Did you understand?? suppose I say yes, I have attained. Dont take it like that. Listen to your heart, in your heart, and if your inner voice says it is not true, follow that only.

Q: How to surrender to you?
Sri Sri: Why are you getting so worried? What you have with you to surrender. Understand that what is there to surrender, Everything belongs to God anyways from the beginning.

Q; Sometimes I feel you are close and sometimes far.
Sri Sri: Change is good. It has to. Sometime like this, sometime like that. There is no fun in feeling the same always. When you feel I am far there is longing. When you feel I am close, there is love and bliss. This is the style of life.

Q: My body becomes tense and fearful during every activity I do. During Kriya also?
Sri Sri: How do you feel now (Peson says Amazing) Do you feel good? (Yes from the person). Then done.

Guruji, I love you
Sri Sri: Its an old story and known secret. Isn't it?

Q: Why sad and depressed youth inculcate bad habits, I have seen it with my friends. why?
Sri Sri: Thats how you want. When you are sad, you want a way out. You want to fill something with. But if you know meditation and Sudarshan Kriya, then you will do that. Isn't it. So get all your friends doing it.

Q: What if one meditates more than 30 minutes?
Sri Sri: Well, you should be in an advance course, when a teacher is there. It is better to do it in the presence of a teacher. Its Ok if you meditate for 40 mins or 1 hr, doesn't matter once in a while. But to do it everyday, better you go gradually. You do in advance course, then talk to your teacher. Increase slowly. Go slow.

Q: When soul leaves the body, does it wander or gets liberated
Sri Sri: both are possible. Those who committ suicide, their soul wanders for years. Those who drop the body with pleasantitude and happiness, will be free.

Guruji, I am from Bidar. I have worked for 3 years in Divine karnataka project. I went back to my village and made 100 people to do the course including my family. Earlier my brother was refusing to come to ashram and was a drunkard, once he came to ashram, now he doesn't want to come back to home. I have sold 20000 Rs Books of yours. And I have made Five thousand people do navchetan shibir. After my father died, my mom wasn't sleeping well. She was taking sleeping pills. After she did Kriya, she hasn't even touched pills. I want every drunkard in my village to taste the kriya and be free from liquor.
Sri Sri: Very nice. Like this, one person, if they start working in one village, Whole image of India will change. Future of India will be glorious.

Both of my parents were positive in HIV, my father died. My mother tried to committ suicide. But Guruji, you came in her dreams and prevented. After 4 days of this, you visited our city and when I carried your photo to home, my mom told that its this same person who came in my dreams by looking at your photo. Then my mom did course. Now she is full fit and works even in fields. Also what all wish come in my mind, gets fulfilled. I love you Guruji.

Q: After coming to AOL, I have stopped eating non veg. People give religious excuses to have non-veg food. Can you enlighten on this so that I can help others.
Sri Sri: There are a number of websites which says how vegetarian food is suitable and congenial for the human system. You can ask YES teachers here, they can give you more information. There are many christians and Imams who are vegetarians. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle not related to religion. You have to make them understand.

Q: By taking today scenario into account, how do you tell your followers about fighting against corruption.
Sri Sri: We are doing, right. Even before all this started. I traveled to 14 places/states of India and made them take an oath that they will neither give bribe nor allow anyone else to take. Jan Lokpal bill too we have supported. Just a law will not be helpful. Promptness/sincerity and vow are the ones that can help. All of you tell others not to take bribe, take their signature, After they become vow bounded, we can achieve.

Q: I have reported a corrupt person, have told him several times and this time, I have taken the case forward. He will be caught, what shall I do??
Sri Sri: You see, if the person agrees not to do the mistake again, give him a chance, else no.

Q: I am not able to give 100% to my studies. I want to change my course.
Sri Sri: You have to complete your course. What you want to do? You may go to the new course, but you may feel the same after 2 years there as well. In all studies, such problem comes. Medical students after the first year wants to quit. Engineering students wanted to quit after some time? (Many rises their hands). Did you See. This is a natural tendency. Because when we find something tough at some point of time, we want to quit.
My suggestion is to give 100%, still if you feel its problematic, then change your course of studies.
In studies you feel every course is difficult. But if you keep changing the course every 2 yrs, then you will be a rolling stone. Thatswhy for education, if you want to complete, put efforts and finish. If you feel it is very difficult then it is fine.

Q: I go to deep sleep during guided meditation by you as your voice is like Lullaby by mother. This happens very frequently with me. What is the correct way?
Sri Sri: It is OK. Let the mind to loose. "The one who lost, found"

Q: How many times should I take a bath?
Sri Sri: When ever you sweat or smell, you should. Once atleast; twice preferable :)

Sri Sri: What is God? God is love. Everything in the universe is made of God. Because everything is made up of love. Whatever I'm is what you are, Whatever you are is what others as well. You can befriend God also. Dont have to be enemy.

Q: How much does sadhana protect one from illness and misery?
Sri Sri: Sadhana helps, but lifestyle also you must attend to. If you sleep too much or too little. If you eat too much junk or not at the right time.
See, ailments do come, But dont think about it too much. Sitting and worrying about ailment is not going to help. Spirit of say, we will over come this, such strong Sankalpa will help.

Q: My father underwent subdural hemorrhage and has lost memory.
Sri Sri: Pray for him. Take someone who has done the blessings course and help.

Q: My results are out today. I didn't get the marks I expected. The people who cheated got more. It was hurting. It feels that we are the loosers.
Sri Sri: It may appear that you are losing, but in the long run you will be the winner.

Q: When I know that things are working against me, what should I do? Shall I take God's name.
Sri Sri: yeah, yeah you can take God's name. Be peaceful and know that everything is going to be OK. Just tell Jai Gurudev!

Q: My work starts and then it gets spoilt.
Sri Sri: Don't worry. Appearing breaking, it would become ok.

Q: I have been suffering from high blood pressure since I was 18. I have been doing kriya. Any advice would help.
Sri Sri: Do meditation. Do sahaj samadhi.

Note 1: If you are interested in taking out some time for seva or service activities, e-mail your name, skills, time available for seva, and place where you reside to

Note 2: These LIVE satsang excerpts are unedited. 

Complete edited satsang knowledge and Q&A will be published soon on
The recorded satsang video is available on

For details on the forthcoming LIVE satsang webcast, please visit