Through The Master's Eyes: Francisco Moreno Ocampo

Posted on: Saturday, June 30, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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Francisco Moreno Ocampo, teacher with The Art of Living, had the privilege of traveling with the Master during His visit to Caracas,Venezuela on April 23rd , 2012 . He recollects some of the touching moments.


“What are you planning to do in Venezuela?” asked the migraton officer as we were leaving the US.
Guruji replied: “Visit my family”


As Guruji was driven back to the hotel with four other volunteers, he asked: “who is very hungry?” Nobody replied. One of the volunteers was actually starving because she hadn´t had any breakfast but she didn´t dare to say anything. Guruji looked at her and said: “You know I can feel what you feel right?”

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Sri Sri Calendar for July 2012

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Jai guru dev dear ones,
Now you can download a very beautifully designed calender of July 2012 with stunning pic of Sri Sri absolutely for free.
Download the Calendar from:

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Achieving Balance With Ayurveda

Posted on: Thursday, June 28, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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Life has four characteristics -- it exists, evolves, expresses and extinguishes. For this, it depends on five elements, namely earth, water, air, ether and fire. To make it easier to understand we can bring in the five senses and its objects, namely sight, smell, taste, sound and touch.

Ayurveda is the study of life. Ayur is life and Ved means to know. According to Ayurveda, life or existence is not a rigid compartment, but a harmonious flow. Even the five elements of which the whole universe is made of are not tight compartments of defined objects. They flow into one another. Each one of the elements contains the other four.

The subtlest element in us is space, which the mind is made up of, and the grossest is the earth element, which our bones, marrow, the skin and the structure are made of. This is further divided into three Doshas -- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This is a way to understand our physiology, its characteristics and its reflection on the mind.

When an illness arises, it comes first in the thought form, the subtlest aspect, then the sound form, and then the light form, which is in the aura. It is only then that the illness manifests in the body. Simple symptoms arise in the fluid form, which can be eradicated, and then it manifests in the grossest form, where it needs medication. But with the practice of Ayurveda, the illness can be nipped in the bud.

The holistic approach of Ayurveda includes exercise, breathing and meditation. Breath is synonymous to life. Our life is our breath. Our breath is our life. It is very interesting to observe the relationship between breath and the different Doshas in the body, namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three Doshas affect certain parts of the body more than the other parts.

For example, Vata Dosha is predominant in the lower part of the body -- stomach, intestine, etc. Diseases like gastric problems and joint aches can be due to the Vata imbalance. Kapha dosha is predominant in the middle part of the body. Cough is mainly a result of Kapha imbalance. And Pitta affects the upper part of the body -- the head. Short temper is a sign of Pitta.

Yoga and breathing techniques such as Sudarshan Kriya and the pranayama (channelizing prana or life force to different parts of the body) have an effect on these three Doshas, bringing balance to the system.

Among different pranayama and other breathing techniques, there are specific breathing exercises for the lower, middle and the upper parts of the body, which help bring balance to the respective areas.

How do we bring good health to our system? The first remedy is calming the mind, coming from the subtlest aspect of creation, the ether. If your mind is bottled with too many impressions and thoughts, and it is draining you of your resistance power, that is where it is preparing your body for some illness. If the mind is clear, calm, meditative, and pleasant, the resistance in the body will increase and it will not allow an illness to come into it. The skillful use of breath and meditation can calm the mind.

Then comes the air element. Breathing, aromatherapy, etc., come in this category. Next is the light element, wherein color therapy is used to heal. Before an illness manifests in the body, you can see it in the aura of a person. And by energizing our system with the prana or life energy one can clear the aura and prevent the illness.

Next is the water element. Fasting or purifying the system with water can bring a lot of balance in the system.

The final recourse would be medicines, medicinal herbs and surgery. All these come in when other things fail and the illness becomes inevitable.

The practice of Ayurveda can truly enhance the quality of your life.

Source: Huffingtonpost

Upcoming Live Webcasts (Guru Purnima, Satsangs) from US

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Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

Following is the live webcast schedule of various events in presence of Guruji from US 

Vasthu Homa: Jun 29, 3am - 5am IST

Yagna: Jun 29, 5.30pm - 7.30pm IST

Guru Purnima Celebrations: 4 July, 1am - 5am IST

You can watch the above webcasts on or

There are few more webcasts happening from 29 June till 3 July, you will have to register for the same. 

The details are on

pls share with all!!

Sri Sri's graduation history by Dinesh Kashikar

Posted on: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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One day while we were sitting in the ashram and indulging in our favorite pastime - reminiscing about our experiences with Sri Sri, one thing struck us - It is amazing how Sri Sri Ravi Shankar graduated at such a young age. What we all know was that Sri Sri was born in 1956. 

Sri Sri was a final year student in the 1973-74 batch in St. Joseph's college. At the age of 17, in March 1974, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had actually completed his B.Sc Coursework. He could not appear for the exam in April and in October 1974, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar appeared and passed the final exams.
And for all those who are eager for more, here is the best part, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's original degree certificate!! ~ Dinesh Kashikar, International yoga teacher, The Art of Living.

Guru Purnima: Webcast and Yagya Details

Posted on: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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A few more days before the celebrations begin. The celebrations would not be complete without each and everyone of you. As such, the Guru Purnima team has made arrangements for a webcast of all the days for those who cannot participate in this historic event in person. Please share the information below with everyone on your distribution list.

1. EVERYDAY: Webcast of Evening Satsangs, Inauguration, Yagya and GP Celebrations
TIME: See details
WEBCAST LINK: Register at to obtain the webcast link.

2. JUNE 29: Special Pooja and Yagya to Commemorate International Center for Meditation and Well-Being
TIME: 8:00am EST.
                       VENUE: International Center for Meditation & Well-Being
                       SPONSORSHIP: $108
Sponsor Here:

3. JUNE 30: The Grand Inauguration of the International Center for Meditation and Well-Being
TIME: 11:00am - 12:30pm.
                       VENUE: International Center for Meditation & Well-Being
                       RSVP: Required to reserve your space (not required if registered for a course).
RSVP Here:

4. JULY 3: The Grand Gurupurnima Celebrations
TIME: Seating begins at 2PM
                       VENUE:  Appalachian State University Convocation center (Holmes Center)
                       RSVP: Required to reserve your space (not required if registered for a course).
RSVP Here:

5. Few more spots available for the Art of Silence, Sri Sri Yoga 2 and Blessings Courses. Register today! More information available here (

In Wisdom. In Meditation. In Celebration
Join the Guru Purnima Celebrations this Summer at Boone NC ~ June 28th-July 3rd

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to Inaugurate World Class International Center for Peace and Well-Being in Boone, North Carolina

Posted on: Monday, June 25, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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Boone, NC (PRWEB) June 25, 2012
On June 30, 2012, the International Center for Peace and Well-Being will celebrate the inauguration of its new 381 acre Center at Boone, North Carolina. The Center will be inaugurated by prominent humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who is also the founder of the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values. Congressional leaders, state and local officials, and spiritual and business leaders from around the world are expected to attend the event. The cultural segment of the ceremony will also feature a unique music performance directed by Grammy-nominated Chandrika Tandon, and featuring the local Blue Ridge Mountain musicians.

The Center marks the commencement of one of the nation’s largest community and individual empowerment initiatives. It will offer stress-management and individual empowerment programs for all ages, including self-development workshops for adults, corporate retreats, leadership development for young adults, and summer camps for children. Importantly, the venue will provide specialized trauma-relief and stress-management programs for returning veterans. Additionally, the Center will act as a cultural hub through the periodic showcasing of international cultural events. In addition to these core offerings, the Center will be home to a unique Naturopathy Wellness Spa, which will help restore balance and reawaken the body’s natural healing mechanisms through a tailored yoga and meditation program.

The International Center is working under the aegis of Ved Vignan Mahavidyapeeth (Institute for Vedic Sciences) and was purchased on October 14, 2011.

“This Center offers world class programs for physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation. We proudly welcome everyone to join us as we celebrate this auspicious beginning,” said Mr. Nilendu Srivastava, Director, Ved Vignan Mahavidyapeeth. “We believe that our programs will add quality to the lives of the participants and help them grow in their personal and professional lives. We are committed to offering the best and will partner with the local community to grow the region.”

His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a renowned spiritual leader and multi-faceted humanitarian whose mission of uplifting human values and creating a stress-free, violence-free world has inspired millions of people around the world over the past 30 years. Sri Sri's message of religious harmony, non-violence, equality, tolerance, and peace transcends class, race, religion, and nationality, and promotes ecumenical and universal human values. Named one of the five most powerful people in India by Forbes Magazine in 2009, Sri Sri has inspired a global phenomenon of compassion and service through his campaign to create a Violence-Free, Stress-Free world. Sri Sri’s teachings and programs have touched the lives of more than 30 million people from all cultures and religions worldwide. His initiatives include conflict resolution, disaster relief, business and social responsibility, prisoner rehabilitation programs, youth leadership, women’s empowerment, education and campaigns against female feticide and child labor.

The power of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s teachings is based on the genuine transformation of the individual. At the core of his programs is Sudarshan Kriya, a life-changing breathing technique that reduces stress, heals trauma, and fosters a sense of belonging.

To attend the inaugural event on June 30, please visit:

To register for a program June 28- July 3,

please visit:

For program related queries, please reach out to


INTERNATIONAL PART 2 with Sri Sri @ Bangalore Ashram

Posted on: Saturday, June 23, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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Art of Living: Windows Phone App!!

Posted on: Sunday, June 17, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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Jaigurudev Dear Ones

All those having windows phone can download this app , from this you can get the updates of official accounts of twitter, facebook of Guruji and also of the videos uploaded on


Share with all.

Official twitter account of Sri Sri is
Official facebook account of Sri Sri is

Nyenrode Business University Awards Sri Sri Ravi Shankar an Honorary Doctorate

Posted on: Friday, June 15, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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At an impressive ceremony at the prestigious Nyenrode Business University in Netherlands, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was conferred with an honorary doctorate today.

Addressing the gathering Professor Dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Rector Magnificus and CEO at Nyenrode Business University said that it was a great privilege for the university that Sri Sri has accepted this doctorate.

"This honorary award is being bestowed on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who, as a leader, underlines the key values of Nyenrode in a unique manner through his personality, work and lifelong achievements. He unites the themes of ethics and spirituality with entrepreneurship and leadership in a pragmatic and distinct manner by coaching present and future world leaders. His emphasis on stewardship through sustainability, responsibility, ethics and spiritual transformation match the values that we teach our students at Nyenrode." shared Professor Dr. Maurits van Rooijen.

Click here to read more.........

Stay Connected with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Posted on: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar receives Honorary Doctorate from Nyenrode Business Universiteit

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Breukelen, Netherlands, June 4, 2012 – In honor of its 65th anniversary, Nyenrode Business University has granted an honorary doctorate to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is generally recognized as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the present day. With his spiritual techniques, interventions and advice, he reaches a large section of the population – from students to world leaders. Thanks to his open and practical approach to spirituality, the subject is now more firmly on the agenda of businesses both large and small throughout the whole world.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (born 1956 in India) is the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, the International Association of Human Values and the World Forum for Ethics and Business. He has also established hundreds of schools and he is currently working to set up a Sri Sri university. Via his organizations, he tries to create a harmonious and more human world in which people everywhere go through life as one family. To achieve this, he utilizes the intelligence and wisdom that everyone has within them. He also devotes his attention to the world of business. Ethical dealing and spiritual techniques are becoming increasingly important in businesses and to reinforce this development, Sri Sri regularly shares his vision with top managers and world leaders, for example during the annual World Economic Forum in Davos.

Prof. Dr. Maurits van Rooijen, Rector Magnificus and CEO of Nyenrode Business Universiteit: “We are pleased to grant an honorary doctorate to Sri Sri because he uniquely represents Nyenrode’s core values in his person, in his work and in his actions. In a practical and tangible way, he connects ethics and spirituality with entrepreneurship and leadership. Among other things, he does this by educating future leaders and guiding the current leaders. His interpretation of stewardship, with a focus on sustainable, responsible, ethical and spiritual dealing, also fits in well with the core values that we want to convey to our students.”

On the subject of the honorary doctorate, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says: “Businesses are surrounded by great uncertainty at present. Now that businesses are more dependent on social and political values, spirituality can give them the strength and enthusiasm to deal more effectively with this. Intuition is important to every aspect of doing business and spirituality nourishes alertness, perception and the ability to observe. In turn, these aspects help to strengthen intuition. Businesses benefit from patience and good relationships with suppliers and customers. Spirituality strengthens these skills and thereby contributes to commercial success.”

Source: Nyenrode Business University

Excerpt from address to 4th Congress of World and Traditional Religions.

Posted on: Saturday, June 2, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

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I feel that those who do not exuberate with peace and do not feel love for humanity have moved away from religion. People of any religion – Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism or Islam - who follow religion truly and have faith in God, cannot take to violence. This is my contention based on our inherent nature. The closer we move towards God, the more we pray; the more devoted we are to God. We cannot but experience love and peace within ourselves and in others around us.

-- excerpt from address to 4th Congress of World and Traditional Religions. Sri Sri just returned from a two day visit to Kazakhstan.

Click here and download beautiful Calender for June with Sri Sri's pic