Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to address AOL volunteers in Ahmedabad

Posted on: Thursday, January 19, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

 DNA India|Ahmedabad|Jan 19, 2012: Art of Living, Gujarat will be welcoming Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to Ahmedabad on February 8. The founder of Art of Living will be addressing the volunteers of the organisation in a convention called ‘Volunteer for better India.’

The convention will address the issue of how the volunteers can contribute to Indian society. Sri Sri Ravishankar will direct volunteers on how to make the country a better place to live by making society stress free, healthy, happy, corruption free and environment friendly. Ahmedabad has more than 1.5 lakh people who have participated in the Art of Living courses. The convention will be mobilising these volunteers. Sri Sri Ravishankar will be providing a direction to the volunteers who have earlier participated in Sudarshan Kriya (part one course of the Art of Living breathing exercises).

Nilesh Desai, president of the Art of Living, Gujarat commented that the convention will be empowering the volunteers as they too need motivation. The volunteers will be given smart cards to identify themselves and will be involved in many projects.

Art of Living emphasises how people can be happy, through their mind, body and soul. Vivek Sharma, Ahmedabad teachers’ coordinator said that through the course, the participants learn to improve their inner strength. That enables them to take responsibility.

Art of Living, Gujarat also announced the next breathing exercises workshop was to take off on January 17. Already over 5000 people have participated in the workshops. On the importance of Sudarshan Kriya, Dr Neelam Raval, Ahmedabad teachers’ coordinator said, “We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer.”

Source: DNA India

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