Sri Sri urges Kashmiri Pandit community to return to Valley

Posted on: Sunday, January 8, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

 The Times of India. Jan 8, 2012.
PUNE: Art of living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Saturday urged members of the Kashmiri Pandit community to go back to Kashmir and start a new chapter to reclaim their identity.

He was addressing the inaugural session of the first Kashmiri Pandit Youth Conference via video-conferencing.

Organised by Youth 4 Panun Kashmir (Y4PK), under the aegis of Panun Kashmir, the conference was attended by members from the Kashmiri Pandit community. The two-day conference aims to discuss various social, cultural and political issues pertaining to them and to recognise and applaud the people who have made a difference to the community.

Speaking from Germany, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar urged the community to go back to Kashmir, buy land and property to establish educational institutions to preserve their cultural heritage and save their identity. He also appealed to the Kashmiri Pandit youth to volunteer during the Amarnath Yatra and help the pilgrims, to bring together and serve their community better.

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