Sri Sri refuses to join Anna's poll campaign

Posted on: Sunday, January 22, 2012 | Posted by: Art of Living Universe

 Jan 22, 2012, Gaya.
Refusing to join the Anna Hazare-Ramdev combine's campaign in the five poll-bound states, Art of Living (AoL) founder Sri Sri Ravishankar proposed to work with the Maoists, provided the rebels shun violence as gun was not the answer to any problem.

The AOL founder said he sympathized with the cause for which extremists were fighting, but disapproved the means adopted by them to achieve an otherwise laudable goal. He was interacting with the media at the Dalmia dharmshala here on Friday evening.

Asked whether he would be joining Team Anna and Baba Ramdev in their campaign in the five poll-bound states, Sri Sri Ravishankar categorically said that he would not. However, he would like the voters to come out in full strength and vote for better candidates in these elections. On whether he approved the manner in which Baba Ramdev escaped from the Ramlila ground, he said that he was not interested in specifics and his broad concern was elimination of corruption.

Asked about the apparent erosion in the credibility of godmen, Sri Sri said there were good people and bad people everywhere, including the spiritual arena. In a somewhat lighter vein, the holy man said that he considered everybody to be a godman as God was present everywhere.

To a question why he lambasted bribe seekers but remained silent on the misdeeds of food adulterators, tax evaders, hoarders and black marketeers, the spiritual guru said that his definition of corruption was comprehensive enough to include all kind of wrong doers within its ambit.

The godman made it clear that whereas his doors were open to all, including the corrupt, when it comes to donations, he was very particular in ensuring that tainted money does not reach him in the form of donations. Explaining his stand, Sri Sri said that he cannot show the door to the corrupt as the corrupt people need spiritual therapy to get rid of corrupting instincts. Can a doctor close the door on patients? asked Ravishankar.

In his preliminary remarks, he said that though changes have taken place in Bihar, much needs to be done to effectively market the state in the international tourist-pilgrimage circuit.
Source: The Times of India

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